October 8, 2024

Tribute to Gabriel Fraucas for his 25 years at Mecesa

We would like to share a very special tribute in our company to recognise the career of one of our most committed collaborators: Gabriel Fraucas, who has dedicated 25 years of uninterrupted service in the quality department.

Gabriel, who joined our company at a very young age, has shown throughout all these years an incredible ability to adapt to changes and to manage his team in an exemplary manner, always at the forefront and giving the best of himself.
His dedication, effort and passion for his work have been key to the growth and success of the quality department, contributing to improving our standards and ensuring that our company always remains at the top in terms of efficiency and excellence.


The tribute was presided over by our CEO, Edgar Guàrdia, who, on behalf of everyone, presented him with a commemorative watch in appreciation of his 25 years of dedication and commitment.


Afterwards, a lunch was held with former heads of the department and his closest colleagues, who shared memories, anecdotes and, above all, expressed their gratitude to Gabriel for everything he has contributed over the years.

It was a moment full of emotions, where his ability to overcome challenges and his constant dedication, always with a positive and collaborative attitude, stood out.
Demonstrating the corporate values of commitment and teamwork, which are part of the DNA of our company.


Once again, congratulations Gabriel! We are grateful for all these years and hope to continue counting on you for the challenges to come.

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